Ministers with Youth Professional Development
OMY Professional Development Opportunities
- Visit The Track page to learn about the OMY Professional Development Track and other opportunities for professional growth.
- Don’t forget to check out our Coming Up! page, social media, and email (sign up on Home Page) for opportunities throughout the year.
- Articles for Forming and Training Missionary Disciples by FOCUS
- Traveling with Others the Discipleship Path Ananias Training by Catherine of Siena Institute
- Leadership Institute Webinars – Missionary Disciples, USCCB page
- Living as missionary disciples resource page by the USCCB
Gender Ideology and LGBTQ+
- Anthropology and Gender Ideology by Fr. Sean Kilcawley
- Talking points for speaking to kids on gender and pronouns, and other tough topics by Sophia Institute
- A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology by the Diocese of Arlington
- A Conversation On Gender: Part 1 – Defining Our Terms by Catholic Link. Includes additional related articles.
- A variety of resources from gender psychology to podcasts, organizations, and books
- Person and Identity a project of the Ethics and Public Policy Center contains videos, articles, and resources.
- The Person and Identity also has a page dedicated to resources for parents.
- The Transgender Movement: What Catholics Need to Know, a series from EWTN with Mary Rice Hasson
Additional Resources
- Revive: course on Youth Ministry with Mark Hart
- Revive: A 7-Part Program on Evangelization by FOCUS
- LifeTeen Webinar Library
- NFCYM Resources
- Center for Ministry Development
- THRIVE by proyectYM
- Check out the Library for books, articles, and blogs