The Track and Much More
Below you will find all that we offer for the support, care, and professional growth of those who accompany the young church in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Please contact us with any questions or thoughts you may have.
- Click here to download a PDF of the below with further details. Download the OMY 2024-2025 calendar for dates.
- Make sure to stay connected via our Flocknote monthly newsletter (sign up on our home page) and our social media for updates on all of the opportunities below and much more.
What is “The Track”?
“The Track” is short for the OMY’s Professional Development Track for Ministers with Youth who walk with High School age youth in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Like a train track, it is meant to “onboard” Ministers with Youth at their level of experience and formation and help “move” them forward in their formation journey. It has three (3) distinct “Stops”:

The Track Stop 1 > Ministry 101: Ministry with Youth Orientation
This is a yearly, in-person training on basic practical skills in Ministry with Youth to help new Ministers establish healthy habits crucial to effectively engaging in the mission of ministering with young people.
It is intended for New Ministers with Youth with 3 years or less in their ministry role.
Topics include the Vocation and Role of a Minister, Establishing Vision and Goals, Teams and Partnerships, Professionalism, and Basic Management Skills. New to 2024 will be How to Build a Marketing Strategy that You Can Actually Use.

The Track Stop 2 > Minister Cohorts
Building on the foundations in Ministry 101, Minister Cohorts are a one-year, one-hour-a-month on Zoom training on six essential elements of Ministry with Youth:
- Working with What You Have
- Building a Dynamic Team of Volunteers
- Loving Parents and Working with Them
- Developing More Than Free Labor
- Models of Ministry
- Implementing Intentional Discipleship
It is intended for all lay Ministers who complete Ministry 101 or those who have been in their ministry role for a few years.

The Track Stop 3 > Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies
Through contact instruction, Ministers can expect to continue to build a community of support and be equipped with the essential knowledge of ministry, spirituality, and practical skills needed to minister to teens today. Courses covered are:
- Person of the Youth Minister
- Context of Youth Ministry
- Youth Ministry Management
- Parish Infrastructure
- Forming Missionary Disciples
- Prayer & Worship
- Forming Catholic Identity
- Pastoral Care
All Ministers who have been in Ministry for at least 3 years of ministry experience are encouraged to participate.
“Being brand new to Youth Ministry I left the workshop with an excellent understanding of the role and importance of Youth Ministry in our faith and local parishes. I also found a group of mentors and friends who are willing to help in any way. That kind of heartful support is amazing.”
~ Tina Angelo, DELCO Young Disciples

“I have found the monthly Cohorts with the same youth ministers, both experienced and new, to be an invaluable way to grow as a youth minister. The monthly topics are very appropriate to our ministry. Gathering with the same cohorts each month builds trust among us to learn, be challenged and affirm our work with the youth, team members and parents. The process works!”
~ Sr. Mary Ann Callahan, St. Margaret of Antioch, Narberth
Professional Development “Beyond” The Track
> Professional Development Gatherings: Gatherings on topics relevant to Ministry with Youth, Minister care, and current youth culture and trends.
> Continuing the Journey Conference: A bi-annual weekend conference for youth workers by the Archdiocese of Newark.
> Pastor Cohort: A FREE 7-session formation opportunity to equip pastors with a better understanding of the discipleship emphases required for reaching the young.
“The formation events provided by OYM are unparalleled. When I have left the various formation opportunities, I am so grateful for it and how unknowingly necessary it was for me as a youth and young adult minister.”
~ Lisa Kopertowski, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Doylestown

Youth Ministers, we can only pour from full cups, going on Continuing the Journey is a weekend of letting God fill that cup, don’t pass the opportunity up!”
~ Kevin Kozeniewski, Epiphany of Our Lord, Plymouth Meeting
Resources, Spiritual Formation, and Pastoral Care
> MY Zoom Skills and Resources: Presentations by offices and organizations who are experts on skillsets pertinent to accompanying youth and others who serve as a resource for Ministers and Ministry with Youth.
> OMY Collab: Off-site open office hours for Ministers to connect, share, and collaborate with each other.
> Retreats: In partnership with the Office for Ministry with Youth Adults, these opportunities nurture the spirit of Ministers.
> Ministers Appreciation Mass and Dinner: An evening celebrating our Ministers in gratitude for their “all-in” accompaniment of our youth.
> Peer Mentorship and Deanery Families: Mentors for new Ministers who have not yet taken Ministry 101 and Deanery Families to guarantee peer support, collaboration, and empowerment.

“Since I began working in youth ministry in the summer of 2020, the Office of Ministry with Youth has been supportive and extremely helpful. Their emphasis on professional formation and community on the local and archdiocesan level are two reasons that I am entering my 5th year of ministry at the same parish. Each year I make small changes to my ministry as I take in new information and OMY is there to help and support me every step of the way.”
~ Paul Cillo, Our Lady of Consolation, Philadelphia
“The OMY has been such a blessing to me and my ministry! They have connected me with other ministers in my area and supported me both professionally and personally by providing ongoing formation and self-care opportunities. They are so passionate about supporting ministers in walking with the young people in our Church today.”
~Megan Carey, Our Mother of Good Counsel, Bryn Mawr

We welcome C/DREs, Scout troop leaders, CYO leaders, and others who seek to learn and grow in effectively reaching the next generation to participate in all that we have to offer!