NCYC 2025 Pilgrim Delegation, Arch. of Philadelphia

We are so excited to come together once again for our pilgrimage to the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC)! Here you will find all the details you will need to successfully gather a group of teens and adult chaperones to join us in this pilgrimage. Please note: it will continue to be updated as we receive additional information and details are finalized.

We invite you to register and mark your calendars for our final pilgrimage Zoom information meeting on May 15.

Please pray for our pilgrims as we look forward to a transformative pilgrimage!

GROUP LEADER PACKET – updated 02.19.2025 (A MUST read. It contains EVERYTHING you need to know)

Included in this packet are:

  • NCYC 2025 Dates and Program Info
  • Pilgrim Package and Prices
  • Payment Process
  • Cancellations and Additions to Your Group
  • VERY Important Deadlines
  • Individual Registration Process
  • Transportation
  • Hotel
  • Group Leader and Chaperone Responsibilities
  • Pilgrimage Prayers
  • Fundraising

VERY IMPORTANT DEADLINES (Included in the Group Leader Packet)

IMPORTANT NOTE: May 1st is the last day before an additional fee per pilgrim is applied.

GROUP REGISTRATION PROCESS (Details included in the Group Leader Packet)

  1. Finalize who will be attending and create a list.
  2. Collect specific information from each person using the “Individual Registration Form” (name, contact info, etc.).
  3. Collect the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Parent/Guardian Permission and Release Form for each youth.
  4. Register your participants in the OMY NCYC 2025 delegation portal. Group leaders will be given access to the portal to enter billing information, everyone’s information using the “Individual Registration Forms,” submit their Hotel Rooming, and track invoices and payments.

FORMS (Details included in the Group Leader Packet)